A Crusader (David Hedison) returns to England to reunite with his brother, the Regent to the King, only to find his country in danger of being taken over by a Norman Nobleman  (David Farrar).

In order to lead the Saxons in rebellion, he assumes the identity of the son of Robin Hood, after it is discovered that the only child of Robin is a girl (June Laverick).

She shares his views and joins in his plans to squelch the villainous Baron, who is dispatched in a sword fight to the death.  His brother is freed from prison, restored to the throne and all Sir James gets for his bravery, is the girl.  Filmed in England.

Meet the Yank who is following in the Sherwood Forest footsteps of Errol Flynn and Richard Green -- with an American accent.
He is Al Hedison, star of the current British made release, Son of Robin Hood.  He is twenty-eight comes straight from Hollywood and wears the green mantle like a veteran.
If his face gives you the creeps, it's understandable. For his last film was The Fly, in which he played the role of the scientist who becomes half man, half insect.
Al Hedison, who was discovered by Redgrave on Broadway, won a role as Robert Mitchum's first Lieutenant in "The Enemy Below" and now has a Twentieth Century Fox Contract.  Good Hunting, Hedison!
Picturegoer Magazine   April 18, 1959.