In Denver
with David
John and I had arranged to meet David at the
Airport. Coming in
from The East Coast, our flight arrived first.
His flight from
Los Angeles was on time and he was
the 6th person off the plane and very happy to see
us. David said he was getting over a “virus”
and didn't want to infect me, but I said I didn't care and
hugged him anyway. He let me.
He came over to
where our four carry on bags were piled across three chairs and
could not believe we had hauled all that onto the plane.
They were all regulation, so it looked like much more
than it was.
We walked David
out of the terminal to the train that went to baggage claim, so
he could reclaim his show bag. He told us
on the way that the LAX security lines had been very long, it
taken him an hour and a half to clear and he thought he had hurt
his back removing his shoes. Turned out he
was right about his back.
We assured him we
were going to straight to the hotel and he would be able to get
off his feet and rest all his aches. We took
him down to the train. John said we would
know when it was arriving because they played music when it came
to a stop. So, the train
pulled in, played the jingle and we got on.
John fussed at David to hold onto something and we were off.
The music played, the train stopped and John started to
get off – at the wrong station. So we got
John back on, and I told John I could not take him anywhere,
which amused the car’s other riders. John
started to explain about the music again and when the departure
music played, David did a little watusi by his pole, which only
amused the car passengers further. I drew
myself up, told David I could not take HIM anywhere and everyone
else in the car smirked. The music played
again as we (finally) we arrived at the main terminal.
were met by Matthew from the MilehiCon and collected David’s bag
without any difficulty. David rode up front
in the black minivan and it took about 40 minutes to get to the
Lyn was waiting
(with supplies) in the lobby and held the door for David. We
checked in. They were going to put me on
the con “party” floor, but I managed to persuade them to move me
up to David’s floor. We ended up on the
same hall, which was very convenient.
David wanted to
leave all the show stuff with us, so after he unpacked
everything he needed out of his suitcase, he brought it down to
us and stayed about 20 minutes, explaining what he had brought
to sell and all the other things he had for us.
John had asked David to get him a particular Bond picture
signed at the Burbank
show and I had wanted Robert Culp to sign the McKnight Audio
book, but the audio book wasn't ready for
David brought me something else,
along with the new Voyage DVD and the Fly book chapter he had
edited. I had sent David three photos to
make prints from for the
Burbank show and I got them all back
in Denver.
And the photo of Roger Moore and Elliott Gould with David
from The Naked Face was now signed by all three.
I was
flabbergasted. David grinned at me and
asked if that was okay as a substitute. I
really hugged him then. He also had some
Live and Let Die shots signed by Roger.
We told him they would sell and they did.
David was really
beat from his LAX experience, so we let him go rest, after
giving him some Orange Juice and water to take to his room.
He said he would take some Excedrin and see us in the
We got together at 9:30
down stairs and started to sell. We had a
few folks and then a lull. Then a few more.
I finally figured out when to have David there (during
the panel breaks) and we did better after that.
He still had the occasional twinge from his back, but
David persevered. He was kind and patient
with everyone who wanted to meet him and had a great hour long Q
& A at 3:30 PM.
More on that later. We sold until
about 5:00 PM and then
packed up.
David promised to
introduce The Fly screening at
7:00 PM so we did that on the way out the door to
dinner. We had the restaurant pretty much
to ourselves as they were playing the third game of the World
Series while we dined. Which David liked,
when a restaurant gets too crowded, he can't hear us talking to
him over the din.
I got a lovely hug
and kiss good night and was told call him in the morning and
wake him up. Which I did.
David seemed better, until he rode up to the next show in
a RAV 4 and aggravated his back again.
He hobbled into
the show and I immediately sent our driver to the drug store for
a heat wrap. David was dubious, but we put
it where he hurt and it helped him get through the day.
By lunch he was almost his old self again.
David still smiled and greeted folks all morning. What a
trouper he is.
Once everyone who
wanted his autograph had gotten one, we packed him up and headed
out to the airport. I didn't want him
dragging a suitcase behind him with his tender back, so I went
with him through check in and all the way to security.
I received a wonderful kiss and hug goodbye and a promise to see
a chiropractor first
thing Monday. So I kissed him back and let
him go. And I am pleased to report the
chiropractor did a good job. I don't think
I ever want to fly out of LAX.
Diane Kachmar
October 31, 2007
Diane’s Extended Denver Con Report
I have never been to any Con anywhere before, so when Diane told me
that she was bringing David to Denver for the MileHiCon and the
Super Collector shows, I was ecstatic. I agreed to help out where I
could, receiving some supplies that they mailed out, and bringing to
the hotel the bottled water and such that Diane had bought when she
was here at a Librarians’ computer conference the first part of the
I arrived at the hotel Friday at noon. I was concerned about getting
a parking place in their garage because they were saying on the
MileHiCon list it would be full. I don’t think that was a real
worry, though, because the structure was empty when I arrived. I
parked about six cars down from the elevator to the lobby. I had
decided that it would be easier for me to get a room at the hotel
rather than drive back across town that night after dark, so I
checked in, took my things to my room, and settled in.
My room was on the fifth floor, down the hall from the Klingon Feast
suite, but fortunately there didn’t seem to be a lot of Klingons at
the Con and they didn’t disturb me at all. After my experience in
Dallas of having the fire alarm go off at 2:00 A.M. and having to go
down 23 flights of stairs, I was more than happy to be on the fifth
I was supposed to meet Diane, John and David at 1:30, but they could
be a half-hour early, so I went down to the lobby, found a seat
where I could see the door, and sat down. I was sitting outside one
of the hotel “cafes”, and though not near the central/main door I
was within ten feet of the doors. I sat and watched the dealers
coming in with boxes and more boxes and carts and even carts of
I’d been waiting for about thirty minutes when a black Dodge Caravan
minivan pulled up in front. I was looking for a Super Shuttle, or
other airport conveyance, but this one was a plain van.
I first recognized David as he opened the front door and got out of
the car, then Diane got out of the back seat, so I knew I wasn’t
imagining things. David took hold of his rolling suitcase and headed
for the door.
I opened the door and held it for him, probably grinning my head
off, and he greeted me by name and walked inside. Diane and John
soon joined us. I presented the promised bottle of Ketel One vodka
to David and received my hug and kiss on the cheek, then we all
headed toward the check-in desk.
I chatted a bit with David while he stood in line, and offered to
hold the Ketel One bottle while he checked in. He told me that he
had to stand in line at LAX for an hour and a half to get through
Security, and that he had thrown his back out trying to take off his
shoes standing up.

David wasn’t in the best of mood or shape, but he was still very
polite. When he had completed his check-in procedure he started to
reach for the bottle... but ornery person that I am, I pretended to
hold it tighter.
I swear he got this “Oh No” expression in his eyes, but softened
when I laughed and held it out to him. I’m sure that he must have
thought I was a “rabid” woman stalker and that I was
going to hassle him. He took it out of my hands with a grin.
They went over to the elevator to go up to their rooms and that’s
all I saw of David the rest of the day.
Diane and John came by my room a little while later and we went down
to check out the area where David would be selling. Two nice long
tables right in front of everything. I signed up for Friday and
Saturday at the Con, then we went back to their room and John showed
me all the signs he’d made for the con. Very good job. We agreed to
eat supper there in the hotel later.
Diane called me about 7:00 p.m. and we went down to the hotel
restaurant for dinner. Being a Hyatt it was trying very hard to be
fancy. I had the pork tenderloin medallions perched atop a scoop of
white beans and something else. Diane had the salmon and John had
the rib-eye.
Enough about that. We went back to their room after dinner and I
helped put labels on file folders to notify everyone that was where they needed to go to get the latest news
of David Hedison.
The next morning, Saturday, I waited to hear from Diane, not sure
what time I should show up downstairs... whether they needed or
wanted my help with the table. She called me about 9:15 and said
that she was going to get David and that I should come on down and
see if John needed help.

John didn’t want any help. He told me to sit down and wait. He got
the table all put together and by that time David and Diane arrived.
There were a couple of people milling around the table with cameras
so John told me I should stand by the far table corner and make sure
no one took “unauthorized” pictures, but there didn’t seem to any
people trying to do that, so my “job” was soon unnecessary.
I bought the pictures I wanted and had my picture taken with David.
He is the most kind and polite gentleman you will ever meet. We
talked a little bit when Diane and John were both busy elsewhere,
and he was considerate and so very nice, as he was to each and every
one of the people who came to the table, even the obnoxious ones.
The day was slow. It seemed there were more people there to talk to
one another and parade around in costumes to be seen, themselves,
than to get autographs. I’d never been to a Con before, but I had a
good time just watching all the strange people in costumes...
everything from Space Balls costumes to belly dancers to a really
excellent Lucius Malfoy costume. There were also “green women” from
Star Trek. John took pictures of one of them with David, so check
out the web site for them. Seemed there were quite a few costumed
characters for what was billed as a science-fiction literary
I circulated around the table, going into the dealer room, out into
the foyer and down to the first floor area, wanting to stay near
enough to be of use if needed, but trying not to be annoying. David
noticed me anyway and mentioned to Diane that I seemed to be around
a lot.
She told him that the Con was very small and there wasn’t much else
to do, and that I was helping them out. That seemed to satisfy him.
I tried harder after that to stay out of sight.
During the afternoon Bobbie Boeve showed up with her daughter,
Amber. Bobbie and I had never met even though we live virtually in
the same city, so it was really nice to get acquainted, and to get
to chat with her for a while. She talked to David a little while,
too, and we attended his Q & A together.
David's panel was at 3:30 PM and for a small con he had a very good
turnout, I thought. He opened it up for questions, rather than
giving a formal speech and he kept answering for the entire hour. He
returned to his table and signed more pictures for about another
half-hour then they closed up. I left and drove home.
Sunday was the collector’s show as far north of Denver as the
MileHiCon was south, both on extreme edges of the city general. It
was a short one, from 9:00 to 3:00 only, and my son, also a David,
and I arrived close to noon.
This Con was mostly comic books and toys, but it was fun to look
around. Diane, John and David H were set up in a smaller area, but
David saw me at once when we walked up and smiled and pointed at me
and gave a little wave, and greeted me by name. We talked for just a
moment, and I asked him how his back was. He said that he’d been
really in a lot of pain that morning and could hardly get out of the
car at the Con but that Diane had sent out for a heat patch and that
helped a lot. He seemed jovial and as pleasant as always, despite
being in pain.
I introduced him to my son then, and he commented on my son’s name
also being David. I laughed and asked him where he thought I got the
name from. He grinned at me, rather pleased, I think.
Bobbie and Amber were there ahead of us this time, and Amber was in
costume, looking lovely as the “Secret Dancer.” She was all decked
out in a lovely red “ball gown”. Again we chatted a bit, and Bobbie
showed me some of her artwork that she had brought with her. I had
promised to print out a couple of my stories and bring them to her
but I can only blame my exhaustion of the previous night. I was
wiped out.
We only stayed about an hour. My David gets restless around so many
people, but he got to meet David Hedison, and shook his hand twice,
arriving and leaving. He was quite impressed with him, saying later
that he felt like he knew him.
My David may be schizophrenic and bi-polar, but he is a very good
judge of character. He has officially given David Hedison his stamp
of approval. I bought my third picture from David H.
On a really “personal” note, I had done laundry for Diane and John
on Saturday night, and the box was in my car. I told David good-bye
and gave him another hug, and got another smooch on the cheek, then
Diane was going to go out with me to get the laundry. She told David
that I had been nice enough to wash for them, and he looked at me,
startled, and said “You did her laundry?”
I grinned and shrugged, and then, fool that I am, I blurted out “I’m
sorry, I should have asked if you needed anything laundered,” and he
popped right back with, "Sure, you could have done my underwear."
Boy, talk about turning nineteen shades of red, and stammering out
something unintelligible. He just sat there and smiled. Oh wowsers,
what a smile.
What a wonderful weekend. I feel so very fortunate to have been able
to spend so much time in David's presence, and be near him.
C. Lyn Barrow
October 31, 2007 |